Stasia's Place Of Grace


Sunday, June 08, 2003

International Socknitters Day - Milwaukee Gathering - June 21

Please join me on Saturday, June 21st from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the Milwaukee-area celebration of the First Annual International Socknitters Day!

We will meet outside the Starbucks on 124th and Capitol Drive, near Brookfield (just off the highway) to show our sock knitting spirit, to KIP, and to raise awareness of the charity sock knitting efforts for Children In Common and Socks For Soldiers. Donations of sock yarn or cash for those charities will be glady accepted, but the event is FREE and open to the public. Due to the busy-ness of this intersection, please do not bring children (except infants) or pets, for their own safety. Knitting teens are very welcome, though!

Area media have been notified, so we hope to get some coverage. Please bring a lawnchair, your sock knitting, cash for your latte, a hat or sunbrella, and, if desired, socks you have knit and clothespins to attach them to your chair for all to see!

For more information or for listings of celebrations in your area (start your own if one doesn't exist!) see the Socknitters website.

New Recorder!

I have wanted a Tulipwood (Rosewood) recorder for ages, but none were being made for a while. Well, I recently found that Lazar's Early Music had some in stock, by my favorite Swiss recorder maker, so I had to try a few out.

Bill sent them for my review, and this one has found a new home here!

Kung Superio Soprano Recorder In Tulipwood

The sound is amazing, and I can't wait to break it in. Thanks, Bill!

New Project!

I attended the Bead & Button Show in Milwaukee this past Friday and was overwhelmed by all the wonderful art beads. I literally went into "bead overload" and had to leave after a couple of hours, but what a fun experience!

I have been making knitting stitch markers recently (which I hope to sell on e-Bay to defray some of my bead expenditures!) Here are a few:

Stasia's Stitchmarkers
Hand-Hammered Wire, Semi-Precious Stones, Rosewood Blocks, Assorted Crystals/Beads

Other projects:

Nannette has done a lovely knitted, beaded bag from Koigu yarn. It was featured in the Winter 02/03 issue of Interweave Knits on page eight. I'd like to try one.

I continue to work on Jeff's bison down/qiviut/Navajo-Churro wool socks.

I have to wash my rare breeds skein and send it to Spin-Off magazine; I have to start a skein for the Wisconsin State Fair (I'm thinking silk with beads).

Anxiously trying to finish the sparkly Berroco Mosaic FX railroad yarn lacy scarf for Becky's birthday dinner this Tuesday.

I will be making a wooden recorder stand so that I can set my recorders on end and keep them within easy reach while playing. Because they are wood, one has to switch off between them, because moisture builds up inside and can damage them. Time to get back to my drill press and scroll saw!

I am almost finished washing the last of my raw fleeces. Thank goodness...

Anniversary Present!

I received a gorgeous Lendrum Saxony spinning wheel (Cherry wood) from Jeff for our tenth anniversary!

Cherry Lendrum Saxony from Woodland Woolworks

It spins wonderfully; the drive wheel is almost 30". It treadles effortlessly and is utterly silent. I tried out many wheels, including several Timbertops (the Sherwood among them), before deciding on this brand and model. It was one I would have overlooked, had I not had the chance to try it in person. Once I did, I was hooked.

It was worth the wait to have it made, orifice-to-right, and shipped from Canada. Gord Lendrum does outstanding work - even the upright Lendrum I tried spun more easily than any other brand I've used. They're a great value for the investment.

I finished the wood with Wood Beams, an amazing, all-natural products available from Goodies Unlimited. It is non-toxic and you can apply it with bare hands - it's even safe for wooden cooking tools, and has a wonderful scent. I use it to condition all the wood in our home, from my hand spindles and shuttles to Jeff's spatulas. A tub of it will last you for months, even if you have a new wheel to finish like I did!

Here you can see what a single application of this wonder balm does for raw Cherry wood:

Single Application Of Wood Beams On Cherry Wood
Unfinished Wood Below

The owner of Goodies Unlimited, Aubrey, is a wonderful human being who donates products and proceeds to charity. She also makes wonderful lip balms and handmade soaps. They come beautifully packaged and make great gifts, and she offers secure, online ordering. A personal fave!

I hope you will have a creative, inspiring day! Thank you for visiting, and please post a message in the Tag-Board to the right - I'd love to hear from YOU!

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Stasia is a knitter, spinner, weaver, writer, reader, and musician from Wisconsin, USA.

Join her here as she journals about beauty in nature, the joys of fibery pursuits, special people and pets, and great places to shop. It's her hope you'll leave spiritually inspired and creatively motivated. Thanks for visiting!

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