Thursday, October 09, 2003
Stasia Recommends...
If you're going to have a cigar, hold out for a Cohiba.
A glass of wine? Viader or Stag's Leap Cab, or you could try and get a Caymus 1994 Cab at auction (best wine you'll have in your lifetime). Perhaps Benziger's 100-year-old vine Zinfandel - actually, all Benziger wines are wonderful, and they use biodynamic farming techniques. Highly recommended by Husband Jeff.
For a Single malt Scotch, you want The Balvenie, or Lagavulin if you're really adventurous and want to taste authentic peat smoke and salty sea air in your dram.
Then, there is chocolate. I love organic chocolate, rare chocolate, high-cocoa-content chocolate, chocolate that benefits endangered species. Give me any chocolate (except waxy, fakey Hershey's) and I'm pretty much a happy camper.
But if you're holding out for fantastic chocolate, now's the time to make your move...
Vermont's Lake Champlain Chocolate's Small World Truffles are now available!
What's the big deal? First, their chocolate is the best-tasting I've found - even the plain stuff. Next, there are five neat-o flavors in this assortment, most of which I can guarantee you've never experienced. Finally, one of the flavors is something I've hankered for for ages - mol� - cayenne pepper with lime.
Chocolate and chili pepper, you exclaim? Yes! Chocolate was first eaten with pepper! Did you know the Ancients used to make hot chocolate seasoned with chili, and that it was spicy instead of sweet? Have you ever tried it? It is a whole new dimension on the flavor of chocolate and will make you swoon.
Watch the movie "Chocolat" for a neat take on combining chili and chocolate - not to mention gorgeous Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche, and my favorite Django Rheinhardt guitar tune, "Minor Swing" - but they didn't make it up for the movie, it's an Actual Historical Fact. You know, something the all-knowing "They" wrote about, somewhere, at some time.
Vosges Haut Chocolate also makes an ancho chili-flavored chocolate, which I would have loved to have tried, had shipping costs not been so prohibitive. If you have extra moola to spend, you could do a taste comparison and let us know...
To get back to Lake Champlain Chocolates, they offer speedy shipping at very reasonable prices (your order will come in an insulated package with a little reusable chill pack!), great service, and their products are of the highest quality and affordable. They're in Vermont, Land Of Good Stuff.
Aside: Is Vermont the Promised Land, with such good cheese (try Cabot's 24-month aged Cheddar), chocolate, and maple syrup? Not to mention all the lovely sheepies? So much good stuff seems to come from there.
We had Lake Champlain chocolate for dinner last night... and that was all. That was all we needed, it was so amazing!
Check out their larger-sized Autumn Truffles as well - the pumpkin is far better than Godiva's.
Well, I was going to post some more today... but I think that little "taste" is enough for you. From what I understand, these truffles are only available for a limited time... and I probably shot myself in the foot by telling you about them - sure hope we can order some more before they're all sold out - I'll race you. Bon appetit!
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