Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Busy Week
We have baby rattie names! Please meet Knitte:
And this would be Perle:
Perle is the one with the pink tip on her tail. Thank you all for e-mailing and posting your suggestions, especially those who suggested "Knit" and "Purl" - what a great idea!
As you can see, the rattie girls are getting used to being held a little more. I thought treats in the food dish would be a good insurance policy, though.
Seems like this guy thinks treats are a good idea as well - get a load of those stuffed cheeks!
I've been enjoying the sunsets, and current lack of mosquitoes, out by the firepit of an evening. Here I am knitting on the Artful Yarns "Fable" top-down raglan T. There is a pinyon log smoking away - what a wonderful aroma.
On Memorial Day I took a drive through the Wisconsin Memorial Park. I have never seen so many U.S. flags on display. The grounds are extensive and very beautiful, with ponds, streams with bridges, and pine forests. It was comforting to see all the families there paying their respects.
Since we are having to have our septic tank and field replaced, we had to remove the deck so the construction crew would have access. DH Jeff accomplished this last Saturday with the help of friends Tony and Dave... you know who your true friends are when they actually show up for the hard times.
Can you believe they got this all apart in only two hours? It took me longer to cook lunch for them all!
We're not replacing the deck, but are going to put in a woodland shade garden, and possibly a small stone patio with room for a bistro set.
Luckily, the guys didn't trample my plants - these strawberries should be ripe in a few days, and if my "scare-chips" (bamboo tripods with tin foil strips hanging from twine) work, I might get to actually taste one this year.
Tony was kind enough to construct a pine casket for dear, departed Sherman as well. We had a funeral and he is at rest in the orchard beneath a pear tree. Dave thought he would give a eulogy but I cut him off when he chose the opening words from Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" or some such nonsense... the weenie!
On a side note, on Sunday, we attended a retirement party for Dave. He is not yet 40, but he has given up his job to stay at home and raise his infant son, Alex. No daycare for this family. Way to go, Dave! He was quite shocked at the surprise party and walked around in a daze for a couple of hours... serves him right for his silly eulogy.
After the deck removal, rattie funeral, Dave's surprise party, learning the septic people expect me to get myself, my four dogs, and my two cats all out of the house on the day they will be working here, and then having Jeff's homemade beer blow up all over the garage this afternoon, I was ready for this:
A Hendrick's martini a la "The Martini Diet". 1.5 oz. gin, .75 oz. dry vermouth, chilled over ice and strained into a sparkling martini glass - garnish with a cucumber instead of lime if using Hendrick's. And remember not to combine "The Martini Diet" with the "French Women Don't Get Fat" diet which calls for a glass of wine at each meal!
As Dorothy Parker said,
"I love to have a martini,
two at the very most.
Three I'm under the table,
four I'm under the host."
She also said, "What fresh hell is this?" which is one of my favorite lines but NOT a line from Hamlet as I and everyone else seem to think. I repeat it to myself often... like when I find beer bottles and beer all over my garage...
Hope your weekend was better than mine! Have a great rest of the week. I intend to enjoy this martini and knit my night away before I have a stroke. I also have to catch up on reading "Middlemarch" for the KnitTheClassics blog/group. I requested the books on tape through interlibrary loan today. I mean, if I'm reading, I'm not knitting, and vice versa; this is an 800-or-so-page book and if I want to finish it and the scarf I'm working on, it'll be better to work on both at once!
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