Friday, January 30, 2004
This is my pumpkin tam. The pattern is in Vogue Caps & Hats II (be aware, there is an error in the symbols for the chart) but the hat is shown in a fawn color in the book. The designer also embroidered daisies on the stocking-stitch bits, but I like knitting, not embroidery, so I didn't bother with them.
I have yet to attach a cord with a tassel.
The hat is being blocked now. I don't know what happened, but since I wet it, it has expanded to the size of a pizza; I hope it'll shrink a bit while drying over a plate, or I'll have to give it to someone with dreadlocks.
The lacquer box on the left was a gift from my stepmother, who is from Belarus. It depicts a Russian woman taking fiber from a distaff, and spinning it on a drop spindle suspended from her other hand.
Latest Cool Thing(s)
First, we have daily quotes and affirmations appearing over in the sidebar to the right, thanks to Pamela!
Second, I'm pleased to introduce you to Monsieur Pierre Escargot!
Pierre is a golden apple snail (pomacea bridgesi) and his job is to keep Kai-lun and Ou-ning's tank clean. He actually does this job in a very speedy manner... for a snail.
Pierre has bright pink eyes and flourescent pinky-orange polka dots on his foot! He is an air-breathing snail and has a little tube that he sticks up above the water, like a periscope, to fill his lungs.
Here, Pierre has opened up his mouth to say, "Bonjour!"
Third, if you haven't tried a neti pot to help with sinus infections or to prevent colds, you don't know what you're missing! Used in India for ages, you can find these at health food stores. They've now become "mainstream" and plastic ones are even available at Walgreens. Yogazone has a truly lovely, glazed pottery model, and Isabella carries them, too. Yeah, it sounds gross at first... but it's not as weird-feeling as you'd think, and I am sleeping so much better now that I can breathe! Jeff and my mom and I all swear by them now. It's worth a try if you're always getting sick!
Here is something neat: Earth Therapeutics' Dream Zone Pillow Mist. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but it's worth mentioning again, especially if you have difficulty relaxing for sleep.
Finally, if you have cats, you have got to try Cosmic Catnip. If you can't give them home-grown, give them this - yes, there really is a difference, and when you read that cats go wild before the package is even open, it's not an exaggeration! It's great for stuffing felted wool mice.
Five Gratitudes Of The Day
 The winter view from the window over my kitchen sink. That is a corkscrew willow tree in the center.
 A cute new violet with a cheerful handpainted pot to go with it for my writing desk (all for under $5!)
I have my Hay House affirmation/motivation cards displayed around the house. I have been using an Apollo Sun Touch lamp and ionizer every morning. I've been doing Pilates more regularly. There is snow on the ground outside, which makes it very bright inside during the day. Because of all these things, my emotional and physical week has been good, despite some stressors and the sub-zero temperatures outside. Yay!
The color purple. Not the book - the real color purple. I am thankful for it! I seem to be seeing it everywhere today, in all shades.
I'm grateful that our cars, furnace, and water heater have all been running wonderfully in this frigid tundra we call Wisconsin! How many times do we forget to be thankful for things like this, which we often take for granted? Not me, not today!
On The Nightstand
Power Thought Cards - Louise L. Hay
Quentin's - Maeve Binchy
Simple Abundance - Sara Ban Breathnach
Cecilia - Frances "Fanny" Burney
The Passion Of Artemisia - Susan Vreeland
Choosing Happiness - Alexandra Stoddard
On The CD Player
Orchestral Works - Ralph Vaughan Villiams
House Made Of Dawn - Coyote Oldman
Affirmations for Mind, Body & Spirit - Belleruth Naparstek
Trio Norte
Weaving The Strands - Music by Contemporary Native American Women
On The Needles
Pumpkin Tam - BLOCKING
Creatures Of The Reef Zephyr Shawl
Cottage Creations Rambling Rows Afghan - see a finished one here.
On The Agenda
Noro Kureyon Booga Bags (free pattern) and Perfect Pouches (indiKnits pattern from ThreadBear)
Peace Fleece Everyday Cardigan in Zarya Fog
Chemocap #2 (see last week's entry)
Fingerless Mitts
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Welcome To Stasia's Blog Stasia is a knitter, spinner, weaver, writer, reader, and musician from Wisconsin, USA. Join her here as she journals about beauty in nature, the joys of fibery pursuits, special people and pets, and great places to shop. It's her hope you'll leave spiritually inspired and creatively motivated. Thanks for visiting!
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