Friday, March 31, 2006
Pet Projects
Hello all! Sorry for being silent for so long. It has been a crazy time around here for pet surgeries and vet visits but everyone is now doing well. We're all anxious for spring to arrive so that we can get some fresh air and exercise.
I have some pet projects to share with you today.
Pet Project Number One
One of my pet causes is supporting freedom for the Tibetan people. Remember the "Free Tibet!" slogan from the 80s? Well, Tibet is still not free, though unfortunately you don't hear enough about it these days (find out more here and learn how you can help here.)
Did you know that Tibetan children are often sent by their desperate parents over the Himalayan mountains to India for their safety from things like this and this? Can you imagine going across your city at less than ten years of age - much less crossing a snowy, dangerous mountain? It's not like these kids get to shop at REI for equipment before they go! Some lose limbs to frostbite... some lose their lives. It's truly heartwrenching so in addition to making financial donations, I am boycotting Chinese goods. But there's another way we fiberartists can help...
Jetsun Pema is the sister of the Dalai Lama. You may have seen her in the movie "Seven Years In Tibet", in which she played the Dalai Lama's mother.
Jetsun Pema is the president of the Tibetan Children's Village in Dharamsala, India (the city which is the current home in exile of the Dalai Lama and many Tibetan refugees).
I have communicated with TCV, and donations of knitted items, particularly sweaters, would be welcome. They should be made of natural fibers, and sent in small packages (i.e., one or two items per package, one package at a time) so that customs duties are not incurred. There are people of all sizes and shapes in Dharamsala, so anything you send will be put to good use as it's quite cold there in the high lands.
It is very important that you label your package, or write on your customes form,
"Donation For Refugee Children: Knitted Items Only".
Your lovelies may be sent to:
Head Office
Tibetan Children's Village
Dharamsala Cantonment - 176 216
District Kangra
H. P.
For more on Jetsun Pema and current events in Tibet, visit this link.
Pet Project Number Two
My sister had a baby girl!
 Xylia Ryanna
Baby knitting has taken over my crafting efforts. Debbie Bliss and Erika Knight are my pals. I'm working on this sweater from Knight's Simple Knits For Cherished Babies :
It's very easy, quick, and fun. Now to find a lovely ribbon for the tie...
Next up is the Baby Wrap from Morehouse Merino... tho', since my sister now lives in L.A., perhaps that toasty little item will go into the Dharamsala package instead.
Pet Project Number Three
Claudia, they're orange! Who could resist?
These two guinea pigs were surrendered due to their owners' move (hint: if you can't commit to an animal for its entire life, don't get one - they're not toys and they're not disposable). Their toenails hadn't been properly taken care of in ages and needed immediate medical attention, so the piglets found their way into our home.
 Portabello on left, Porcini on right.
 Porcini bears a striking resemblance to Geoffrey Palmer, don't you think?
After a quick visit to the vet, who gave them an awesome pedicure and a once-over for health, it was time for proper housing. Thanks to Nan, humane piggie palace instructions were found here.
Construction began, with a total cost outlay of $19.99 for a sheet of Coroplast corrugated plastic, $14.99 for wire shelving units, $3 for zip ties, and $6.99 for cut-to-fit wire lipped shelving. I added a $16.99 rug for extra floor insulation. Total: About $62. Know how much an (inhumane - nowhere near large enough!) regular guinea pig cage costs? About $30.
Let's see... more than six times the room, and the ability for the piggies to actually move out of their toilet area and run, jump, and play for just double the cost (less if you don't get a rug as I did)... it was a no-brainer. Over the lifetime of our pigs (who will no doubt live to a ripe old age, getting proper exercise and not being depressed in a too-small prison), that is a tiny price to pay for a creature's happiness!
 The Piggie Palace With Guard Kitty, Dill
 Piggie Palace With Cat-Proof Lid Closed As Abby Investigates
Guinea pigs are great pets for gentle families. Many are available for adoption from rescue sources. For proper care information (did you know they need daily leafy greens for vitamin C to prevent scurvy?) visit Seagull's care page.
I hope your own pet projects are going well. Have a fabulous weekend - it was 70 degrees here for a short time this week, and I'm hoping we'll get a replay in the next few days. Fresh air, here we come!
Next pet project? A new podcast. Stay tuned...
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Welcome To Stasia's Blog Stasia is a knitter, spinner, weaver, writer, reader, and musician from Wisconsin, USA. Join her here as she journals about beauty in nature, the joys of fibery pursuits, special people and pets, and great places to shop. It's her hope you'll leave spiritually inspired and creatively motivated. Thanks for visiting!
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