Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Here it is - the Peace Fleece Everyday Cardigan, all seamed up and ready to go! Okay, so it hasn't been blocked yet, and it doesn't have the buttons sewn on yet (anyone have a good method for making wood buttons detachable, for washing?) But... the Dreaded Deadly Seaming And Weaving-In has been completed!
The pieces were knit and blocked ages ago, and have been sitting in my living room, glaring at me every time I walked past, for months. Here and now, I vow: no more seamed patterns for me.
However, I do need to say that this pattern was well-written and very easy and fast to knit (DO be sure to check the measurements on the printed ruler on your copy of the pattern, however - my copy was not accurately printed, and I did notify Peace Fleece about it for future printings.)
The best part about it is that it does not have gorilla arms, despite being a drop-shoulder pattern! The sleeves actually fit without having to be rolled up.
Here's a pic of it - the sweater isn't exactly cropped, but does hit at waist level, so it looks a bit boxy flat-out:
I made some modifications - I did a seed-stitch collar (just picked up the recommended number of stitches, and then seed-stitched until it looked big enough). I also didn't seam all the way down the sides - I left the ribbed border at the bottom edge with a little "flare" at the side for ease - you can see it at the bottom left in the photo.
What you can't see is how this colorway - Zarya Fog - is not just plain grey, but full of little bits of teal, fuchsia, and other bright colors. It looks like rainbows reflected in dew when you see it in real life.
My personal favorite source for Peace Fleece yarn? Why, Miss Kary, of course! And don't be fooled by those unscrupulous imitators who've adapted her "spiel" - Kary's artistic, hand-crafted spinning batts are the originals. She's been spinning for years, is a true fiber artist, and she only offers the best! Need I add that she is the kindest human being you've ever met, freely sharing her talents and skills? Or that she (verifiably!) donates a goodly portion of her proceeds to worthy causes? I am lucky and blessed to call her my friend!
Maybe I would complete more of my long-standing knitting projects if I hadn't gotten so interested in quilting. Here is the latest acquisition on my road to ruin - a Hinterberg hand quilting hoop (a gift from a family member). Can't wait to try it out!
(Pamela, I do NOT think you can lean on it - maybe you would like this or this instead? They're both small and foldable!)
The "practice quilt" I made for Fiona is finished - I'll have some photos of it, and a quilt show I attended her in Wisconsin on May 1st, coming up soon... if you ever get the chance to go to a quilt show, GO, even if you aren't a quilter. The colors and artistry and beauty will amaze you.
No more time to blog - must dash to finish the pink Cashmerino Aran top-down, SEAMLESS ribbed raglan, so that I can cast ON for a Clapotis (seen Kary's? It's awesome! The Brooks Farm Yarns are a-callin' me...)
Please tell me this - with tubs and tubs of fiber and yarn, why is it that when I want to cast on for a project, I never seem to have exactly what's required?
I read several wonderful books recently - about enjoying life and food and family and fun. Though some have recipes, they read more like good, suck-you-in fiction, with neat ideas for enjoying marvelous meals and events while not gaining weight. They're about how, if you enjoy the best of everything, you don't end up trying to fill yourself up (emotionally or physically) with low-quality crud. Champagne and chocolate, anyone? Works for me! Take a peek and see if you'd enjoy any of them as your summer chaise-longue-lounging, Perrier-sipping reading:
"Joie de Vivre: Simple French Style For Everyday Living" "French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret Of Eating For Pleasure"
"The Martini Diet: The Self-Indulgent Way To A Thinner, More Fabulous You"
Have a LOVELY day, spend your time with POSITIVE, (truly!) CREATIVE, AUTHENTIC people, and do something good for yourself - you deserve it! As for me, I am going to glory in the beautiful flowering trees and lush leaves and baby bunnies that are flooding my senses today. Even if we are having off-and-on thunderstorms. You all be GOOD, and BE OF GOOD CHEER.
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Welcome To Stasia's Blog Stasia is a knitter, spinner, weaver, writer, reader, and musician from Wisconsin, USA. Join her here as she journals about beauty in nature, the joys of fibery pursuits, special people and pets, and great places to shop. It's her hope you'll leave spiritually inspired and creatively motivated. Thanks for visiting!
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