Stasia's Place Of Grace


Sunday, August 29, 2004


Happy Family

Here's one family with nary a dysfuncitonal member (or black sheep) to be found - a Tote-N-Go Spinning Set in domestic cherry wood from Edward Tabachek:

What more could you need? It includes pair of perfectly portable, practically-equally-weighted spindles; a larger plying spindle; a one-yard niddy; and a nostie... all in a warm, English saddle tone - the perfect shade to accessorize your fall spinning wardrobe of natural neutrals and subtle, tweedy blends.

But wait! There's something new in Tabachek offerings - hardwood WPI inch gauges!

I've even heard it rumored Edward offers some with built-in diz holes for those of you who are into preparing as well as portability! They can be seen here at The Wheel Thing. Silky smooth, they're perfectly-proportioned to slip into your spinning tote for measuring (or dizzing) on the fly.

You say you're feling shoppie with the changing season, but what do you really need? A new scarf? Wool blazer? Pink-the-new-black handbag, or those crazy, pointy-toed pumps? Puh-leeze! (You'll trip rushing the crowd at your next wool show in those!)

No - what we'll be seeing for fall, 2004, is coordinated spinning sets!

As always, Edward, they're lovely!

The large plying spindle was the one I'd just ordered to complete this set. I dutifully added it to my "Stasia's Spinventory" list of spindles and their specs, and thought I'd count 'em up and find out which maker's children I'd put through college faster.

Turns out Tabacheks and Bossies are tied at - gasp! - 20 each! I'm expecting a moosie soon, though, so Bossies might be in the lead... for the short run anyway!

Why do I have so many spindles? All I can say is... some girls do shoes, some do makeup... I accessorize with spindles - the only accessory that gives you a return on the investment!

Comment Quiz: What maker's spindles top your own spinventory at the moment? Whose do you have more of than any one else's (if you'll excuse my grammar)? Click below to leave a comment (note that I can't answer you because - sigh - my browser won't bring up the comment screen - though I do see your replies via e-mail! Thanks!)

Animal Breed Zip Code

Who's Your Man?

Let's forget Bush versus Kerry. I'm weary of the current political chaos: argumentative friends and relations fighting about issues over which we have no control... the whole "business" of politics... truth and lies all jumbled up together... people forgetting that it's downright ill-mannered to speak of politics in public. (Hasn't anyone read Emily Post? Aren't there any pleasant topics of conversation that will bring people together instead of splitting them apart?)

I'm as patriotic as the next gal, but please, give me a choce between men I can look up to! Or want to look up to...

To that end, the choice here is much more pleasant to make, and much more fun... but perhaps much harder! Sigh...

For whom will you vote? Who's your man?

Choosy Fiberartists Prefer...


- or -


Since Blechy Blogger won't allow me to enter javascript code for a fun little poll I made up at, you'll have to vote in the comments section - click below!

Well, I know who my guy is...

DH Jeff hosted "Spa Night" last night! It began with a homemade, heated concoction of organic olive oil, lavender buds, and mint leaves as a scalp treatment. Pure heaven!

Sure, the boiling water in the footbath was a tidge scalding on the tootsies (I kept my mouth diplomatically closed), and the bits of herbs all over the kitchen and bathroom required some extra clean-up effort on my part today... but Jeff came up with the idea all by himself, he tried really hard, he did everything on his own. (Except the clean-up, that is!)

How nice it is when our loved ones make us feel special! I'm a new woman... albeit one with shrubbery in my hair.

Tomorrow is Sunday and that means polo! It's one of the last matches of the season so I don't want to miss out. Guaranteed to be the $3 you'll ever spend in Wisconsin!

Where else can you enjoy a beer and a brat (while perched on your Green Bay Packers folding chair) and watch a bunch of gorgeous horses race across a field at 40 m.p.h., chasing a ball the size of a grapefruit?

A loaf a bread, a jug of wine, a handy spindle, and it's an afternoon made in heaven. Since summer's almost over, I intend to wake up, pay attention, and notice everything with all my senses while I'm there. A good motto for life in general, no?

In fibery news, I have completed the back and one front half of my Peace Fleece Everyday Cardigan and am over halfway through the other front panel. So really, just the sleeves to do. I can't believe how quickly this is knitting up.

I ordered both Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton pattern books for Noro yarns, along with the new "Noro Knits". I'm not sure I'll ever make anything in them, but they sure are inspiring eye candy.

Speaking of eye candy, don't forget to vote down below!

Animal Breed Zip Code

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Stasia is a knitter, spinner, weaver, writer, reader, and musician from Wisconsin, USA.

Join her here as she journals about beauty in nature, the joys of fibery pursuits, special people and pets, and great places to shop. It's her hope you'll leave spiritually inspired and creatively motivated. Thanks for visiting!

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