Thursday, August 07, 2003
Today I am grateful for color in nature! The highlight of my day was seeing a brilliant, mustard-yellow and black, male goldfinch on top of a golden sunflower. He was trying to check for seeds, perching near the flower head, and his weight bent the stalk nearly down to the ground as he peeked over the edge. As nothing was yet ripe, he flew away and the flower sprang back to face the sun.
I'm grateful for color in fiber, too! I am one of those who buys yarn that "matches." You know - white, navy, red; tan, cream, brown. Purple, yellow, and green is about the riskiest combination I'm likely to make. So I would never put these colors together on my own:
 Colinette Ab-Fab Throw Kit Yarns
The designers at Colinette assure me that the above will, with my knitting skills (ha!) someday become this:
I'm trusting them...
This color is gorgeous, too! It is "Parking Ticket" handpainted silk from Carol W. at The Silkworker. This is a two-ply yarn I have spun on the "Little Lendrum" (upright Lendrum, as opposed to the "Lady Lendrum" Saxony):
Carol's colorways are unbelievable, and her fiber is some of the best I have ever had the opportunity to spin. It is prepared flawlessly, and arrives beautifully packaged. Carol is an Artist in the true sense of the word - some of my friends simply collect her handpainted fibers, to keep on display! They're that lovely. Watch for more here in the future, because (I am ashamed to say) I now have a Rubbermaid tub dedicated to Silkworker fibers! (Kary, thanks again for this - you know I have you to blame for my Silkworker addiction, don't you?)
Speaking of lovely fibers, have you seen Nannette's gorgeous handspun yarn? In case you missed it on her Blog, here it is - isn't it wonderful?
 Nan's Yarn, Photo By Nan
The fiber is from Woolgatherings and was painted by Sandy S. (of Twisted Sisters fame), who should be doing a hank for me in this colorway (Apple Blossom) right about now... My yarn will never look as nice as Nan's but I couldn't resist ordering some of this fiber because her photo just took my breath away! After three trips to her Blog to see it, I figured I'd better just get some of my own.
And Alice S.'s Wonderland Dyeworks is open for business, too! Today I received lovely carded batts in her "Violets In The Sun" colorway and they are simply gorgeous! (They came really fast, too!) The fiber is soft and not over-stripped like some commercial spinnables, and the colors are vivid and well-coordinated. I can't wait to see how my spinning affects the way they are laid out in the carding - it will be an interesting adventure, and I'm sure will help with my own carding skills... the Boo Blend I wrote about the other day is a little too blended, and kind of muddy in the finished yarn, so hopefully I'll pick up some good "tips" from working with Alice's fibers!
I hope your day is rich in life's many colors, too! Have a good one, and please say hello in my Tag-Board! I love to hear that you've visited!
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Welcome To Stasia's Blog Stasia is a knitter, spinner, weaver, writer, reader, and musician from Wisconsin, USA. Join her here as she journals about beauty in nature, the joys of fibery pursuits, special people and pets, and great places to shop. It's her hope you'll leave spiritually inspired and creatively motivated. Thanks for visiting!
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